Male and Female Circumcision
Male and Female
Circumcision:Medical, Legal, and Ethical
Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Sexual Mutilations:
Considerations in Pediatric Practice
Medical, Legal, and Ethical Considerations in Pediatric Practice,
Oxford, England, 5-7 August 1998Edited by
George C. Denniston
University of Washington
Seattle, WashingtonFrederick Mansfield Hodges
Wellcome Unit for the History of Medicine
University of Oxford
Oxford, Englandand
Marilyn Fayre Milos
National Organization of Circumcision
Information Resource Centers
San Anselmo, CaliforniaKluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers 1999.
New York, Boston, Dordrecht, London, Moscow
(ISBN: 0-306-46131-5)
Section 1. Keynote Address
- Evolutionary Cultural Ethics and Circumcision of Children
-- N. ToubiaSection 2. The Anatomy, Physiology, and Histology of the Human Prepuce
- Anatomy and Physiology of the Human Penis
-- S. Scott
- Anatomy and Histology of the Penile and Clitoral Prepuce in Primates: Evolutionary Perspective of Specialized Sensory Tissue of the External Genitalia
-- C. J. Cold and K. A. McGrath
- Significance and Function of Preputial Langerhans Cells
-- G. L. Williams
Section 3. Current Research on Circumcision and Phimosis
- The History of Phimosis from Antiquity to the Present
-- F. M. Hodges
- Diagnosis and Treatment of Phimosis
-- S. C. Donnell
- Anaesthesia for Circumcision: A Review of the Literature
-- R. S. Van Howe
- Neonatal Circumcision and HIV Infection
-- R. S. Van Howe
Section 4. Genital Mutilation: Religious and Cultural Considerations
- Muslims' Genitalia in the Hands of the Clergy: Religious Arguments about Male and Femle Circumcision
-- S. A. Aldeeb Abu- Sahlich
- Evangelical Christianity and Its Relation to Infant Male Circumcision
-- J. D. Bigelow
- A Jewish Perspective on Circumcision
-- J. Goodman
- Circumcision: An African Point of View
-- G. B. Tangwa
- Unifying Language: Religious and Cultural Considerations
-- J. P. BakerSection 5. Psychological Aspects of Genital Mutilation
- Motivations for Medifications of the Human Body
-- G. Zwang
- Psychoanalysis of Circumcision
-- M. Tractenberg
- Post Trumatic Stress Disorder After Genital Medical Procedures
-- J. Menage
- Tyranny of the Victims: An Analysis of Circumcision Advocacy
-- G. C. Denniston
- Epidemiological, Medical, Legal, and Psychological Aspects of Mutilated/At-Risk Girls in Italy: A Bioethical Focus
-- P. Grassivaro Gallo, L. Araldi, F. Viviani, and R. Gaddini
- Circumcision in America in 1998: Attitudes, Beliefs, and Charges of American Physicians
-- C. R. Fletcher
- Facing Circumcision: Eight Physicians Tell Their Stories
-- B. Katz Sperlich and M. Conant
- Neonatal from a Primal Health Research Perspective
-- M. Odent
- Celebrating Phallos: Healing Men and Culture
-- J. ZoskeSection 6. Foreskin Restoration: Historical and Contemporary Considerations
- The History of Foreskin Restoration
-- D. Schultheiss
- Current Practices in Foreskin Restoration: The State of Affairs in the United States, and Results of a Survey of Restoring Men
-- R. W. Griffiths
- Foreskin Restoration (Circumcision Reversal)
-- J. P. Warren
- The Man Behind Restoration
-- M. M. LanderSection 7. The World-Wide Campaign to End Genital Mutilation
- A Comprehensive Approach for Communication about Female Genital Mutilation in Egypt
-- S. Abd el Salam
- The History of Circumcision in the United States: A Physician's Perspective
-- M. L. Sorrells
- Genital Mutilation in Ireland: A Public Health and Human Rights Report
-- L. Massie
- Challenges to Circumcision in Israel: The Israeli Association Against Genital Mutilation
-- A. Zoossmann-Diskin and R. Blustein
- Activism on the World Wide Web: The Role of the Internet in the Dissemination of Circumcision-Related Information
-- M. M. SarkisSection 8. Current Problems in Medical Publications
- Peer-Review Bias Regarding Circumcision in American Medical Publishing: Subverting the Dominant Paradigm
-- R. S. Van Howe
- An Analysis of Bias Regarding Circumcision in American Medical Literature
-- P. M. Fleiss
- Publication on Circumcision in the Medical Literature: The Role of an Editor
-- H. N. WhitfieldSection 9. Legal and Ethical Considerations of Genital Mutilation
- Circumcision and Virtue Ethics
-- M. M. Lander
- Respect in the Context of Infant Male Circumcisiion: Can Ethics and Law Provide Insights?
-- M. A. Somerville
- Male Non-Therapeutic Circumcision: The Legal and Ethical Issues
-- C. Price
- Attaining International Acknowledgment of Male Genital Mutilation as a Human Rights Violation, and a Written Intervention
-- J. S. Svoboda
- Some Thoughts on Legal Remedies
-- D. J. Llewellyn
- The Doctor as Expert Witness in United States Courts
-- J. L. Snyder
- The Oxford Declaration: A Call for the Prohibition of the Genital Mutilatiion of Children
-- C. A. BonnerAppendices
Appendix 1: Declaration of Genital IntegrityAppendix 2: Circumcision: Information, Misinformation, Disinformation -- E. Wallerstein
Appendix 3: Resources
Male and Female Circumcision: Medical, Legal, and Ethical Considerations in Pediatric Practice
547 pages. Hardbound.
Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers 1999.
New York, Boston, Dordrecht, London, Moscow
(ISBN: 0-306-46131-5) Publisher's price: $151.00Available from NOCIRC for $75.00 plus shipping.
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