

FACING CIRCUMCISION: Eight Physicians Tell Their Stories. This new video, produced and directed by Nurses for the Rights of the Child, premiered at the Fifth International Symposium on Sexual Mutilations at the University of Oxford, August 6, 1998. It reveals the ethical dilemmas of physicians who circumcise newborns. Seven family practice physicians and one emergency room physician in Santa Fe, New Mexico, struggle with their consciences as they examine the ethical and human rights issues of infant circumcision. Three of the physicians tell why they stopped circumcising. The rest tell why they continue to circumcise or to advocate circumcision and discuss what considerations might lead them to change their minds. 20 minutes. VHS. $20 plus $5 postage/handling. Outside U.S. add $3. Available from NOCIRC.

Circumcision? Intact Facts. Edited version of Whose Body, Whose Rights? for childbirth educators. 1998. 18 minutes. VHS. $44.95. InJoy Productions, 3970 Broadway, Suite #B-4, Boulder, CO 80304. 1-800-326-2082.

Just Like Daddy. Special assignment television broadcast. 1998. 8 minutes. VHS. $10. NOCIRC, POB 2512, San Anselmo, CA 94979.

NOCIRC Circumcision Video. Neonatal circumcision with Plasti­bell device. Includes female genital mutilation segment. 16 minutes. VHS. $20. NOCIRC, POB 2512, San Anselmo, CA 94979.

 Whose Body, Whose Rights? Lawrence Dillon and Tim Hammond. 1996. 56 minutes. VHS. $41.50($34.95 + $6.55 shipping). Home Sales: T. J. Sally, 3801 Market St., #2, San Francisco, CA 94131 Tel 415-826-5972. Price and ordering information for home and educational sales:

 It's a Boy!, Victor Schonfeld. 41 minutes. VHS. $295 institutions, $195 individuals, $65 rental. Filmmakers Library, 124 East 40th Street, New York, NY 10016. Tel: 212:808­4980. Fax: 212­808­4983.

 The Nurses of St. Vincent: Saying "No" To Circumcision, Barry Ellsworth. Includes NOHARMM Rally at California Medical Association. VHS. 30 minutes. $29. NOCIRC, POB 2512, San Anselmo, CA 94979.

 Fire Eyes, Soraya Mire. 60 minutes. sale: 16mm $2,000, video $445, rental: 16mm $300, video $85. Filmakers Library, Inc., 124 East 40th Street, New York, NY 10016 (212­808­4980).

 Resoration in Focus: An instructional video produced by the National Organization of Restoring Men - UK
Color, 40 minutes NTSC - VHS (USA) format.
Video includes information on:
- the benefits of foreskin restoration
- how long the process may take
- taping vs non-taping methods
- tape selection, construction and application
- weighted vs elastic traction methods
- homemade devices
- commercial devices ( including the P.U.D. [ Penis Uncircumcising Device ] and Recap-EZ )
- special precautions
- resources ( books, websites, support groups, etc.)

Price and ordering information available on this website:

A more comprehensive list of both female genital mutilation and male genital mutilation videos and films, is located at:

More Genital Integrity videos. Thanks to D.O.C.  Doctors Opposing Circumcision

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Last update August 1, 2016
