A group of health care professionals announced this week
the formation of a non-profit information center to educate health care
providers and parents on the issue of infant circumcision, America's
leading unnecessary surgery.
The United States is the last civilized country which still
circumcises a majority of its male infants without a religious or health
reason. Less than one-third of Canadian and Australian boys are now
circumcised, and less than 1% of all British boys are circumcised.
"Since the late 1970's both the American Academy of Pediatrics and
the American College of Obstetricians & Gynecologists have declared
that there is no health, cleanliness, or medical justification for neonatal
circumcision," said Marilyn F. Milos, a registered nurse and director
of the National Orginization of Circumcision Information Centers (NOCIRC)
headquartered in Corte Madera, California.
"Yet misinformation and confusion continue to surround this sensitive
issue more than a decade after these medical findings were made public,"
Milos added.
"Although over 600 articles have appeared in medical journals against
circumcision, many physicians and parents remain uneducated and still
subject newborns to a painful surgery in the mistaken belief that it
is in the best health interest of the child," Milos said.
According to the National Center for Health Statistics, a division
of the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, over 1.25 million
American boys (62%) were circumcised in 1984 while 750,000 boys (38%)
left the hospital intact and uncircumcised. The annual death rate from
circumcision complication is estimated at 200 per year, with thousands
of boys requiring further medical attention and corrective surgery.
A boy in Atlanta recently underwent a sex-change operation because of
a negligent circumcision.
"Good parental decision-making depends on accurate information and,
for one reason or another many parent and health care providers still
do not have up-to-date medical knowledge of circumcision and its risks,"
said Milos, the mother of four.
"We want to help parents get the facts," Milos said.
"The California nurse cited a recent brochure for parents published
by the prestigious American Academy of Pediatrics which warns:
'The glans at birth is delicate and easily irratated by urine
and feces. The foreskin shields the glans; with circumcision, this protection
is lost. In such cases, the glans and especially the urinary opening
may become irritated or infected. The foreskin protects the glans throughout
"Its amazing how many parents have never seen this pamphlet before
signing a hospital consent form for an unnecessary surgery on their
son," Milos said.
Milos said that there are over two dozen groups of physicians, health
care providers, and parents in the U.S. who put out materials on circumcision,
"but, until NOCIRC began, we had no national clearinghouse on circumcision
"Our archives, reference library, and videotapes are available to
parents, physicians, and child birth instructors. We have books and
pamphlets that can be purchased at cost, as well as audio and videocassettes.
We will also provide telephone consultation to anyone who calls our
hotline (415/927-0664)," Milos said.
"Milos said that her organization is "optimistic" that America's leading
unnecessary surgery can be curbed by the end of the 1990s.
"A decade ago many children were subjected to unnecessary tonsillectomies,
but today that surgery is way down, thanks to strong medical leadership
and educated parents."
"That same has started with circumcision, especially among educated
parents who value natural childbirth and who want to reduce pain for
their newborn baby. In the 1960s nearly 85% to 90% of our boys were
circumcised in the mistaken belief that it was right. That figure has
dropped to below 65% in the 1980s and well below that in some states,"
Milos added.
"Parents want to do what's right for their children. Unless you have
a religious reason or one of the very rare medical reasons to circumcise,
the painful surgery makes no sense. Once parents understand that, I'm
sure America will catch up to the rest of the modern world."
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